Dear Future Me

Yahli Ozery
3 min readDec 4, 2020

Dear 10-year-old me,

There is little I can truly do to prepare you for the massive changes coming your way. I’m sure you’re currently happily playing Mario on the Nintendo without a worry in the world, and I don’t want to stop your fun. However, I think it is important to advise you on the significant changes social media will undergo in the next few years. I never had someone to guide me through it, and if I did, I think my teenage years would have been less difficult to endure. I’m sure you’re reading this thinking, “what is this guy even talking about?” so let me explain. While I know you currently don’t have any social media accounts, you will in a few years. You will be active on apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat (some of which have not yet been released in your time). Don’t get me wrong; there are many positive things that you will get out of using these platforms. Social media will give you the chance to connect with distant family and friends, as well as make new friends. You can also follow your favorite athletes and celebrities, getting a closer look at what is going on in their lives (see figure 1). You can even make a career for yourself on these platforms if you get enough followers and attention (see figure 2).

Figure 1: Cristiano Ronaldo’s Instagram Page. Retrieved from
Figure 2: Zach King Instagram Page. Retrieved from

To conclude the positives, social media gives you the chance to connect with share your life with many people in ways that are only possible through these platforms. However, if misused, social media can inflict consequences far greater than any benefit you can get. First of all, making a social media account also means that people can choose to be anonymous. This gives individuals the ability to do cruel and malicious things without being recognized. As a result, people are prone to cyberbullying, stalking, and other forms of harassment that lead to a lot of mental issues for the victim. I am telling you this to not only be prepared for potential cyberbullying but also to understand that mean comments, even on a celebrity, can hurt them more than you think (see figure 3). Also, don’t believe everything you see! While social media can give fast and convenient information, people often exaggerate or even falsify news to get more attention. If you read something, make sure to think critically and do some research yourself (see figure 4).

Figure 3: One of many similar comments on Lizzo’s Twitter page. Retrieved from
Figure 4: Donald Trump tweeting about a rigged election. Retrieved from

Now, I saved the most important point for last because you need to really take this in. Be considerate of the time you spend on social media. The platforms are incredibly addictive, and you can spend hours browsing over meaningless content before you know it. Over usage of it can even lead to increased anxiety, depression, limited attention spans, and many more psychological issues. Trust me; there have been moments where I felt its effects and had to take a break. I know these downsides sound scary, but all you need to do is be aware of them. Go on social media with intention, and be aware of your usage. Don’t compare yourself to others; that won’t ever make you feel better, and feel free to take a break from those platforms when you feel like it. I hope this information will help somehow, and I’m sure you’ll learn to navigate the waters yourself over time. Don’t take yourself too seriously, and live your best life!

Future me

